January 17th.

The day most people quit their New Year’s resolutions or goals. National quit day.


Don’t quit today.

Keep going.

It will be worth it. Your best effort always is.

Here are some tips to keep you going past national quit day:

  1. Take a closer look at your goal. Is it SMART?
    • S:  Specific
    • M: Measurable
    • A: Attainable/Realistic
    • R: Relevant
    • T: Time-bound

“Losing weight” is not a good goal. “Losing 5 pounds by March 1” is SMART.

2.  Do you have too many goals or resolutions?

Having one is probably best. Which one is most important to you? Or necessary?

If you have two, make sure they are related or connected, like “Losing 5 pounds by March 1” and “exercising every M, W, F for 30:00.”

3.  Do you have a true accountability partner? Someone to check-in with daily, who will keep you on track – with tough love if necessary. You need more than a friend here – you need someone to help you stay accountable.

4.  Do you have a community of like-minded people? Maybe there’s a running group who meets weekly in your area, or a gym that offers classes, or an online group or app with people committed to fitness – or whatever your goal happens to relate to. Find those people and hang with them.

5.  Journal every morning. Reflect on the previous day or days. What went well, what didn’t. How can you get and be better. Filter in some positive self-talk. This practice alone can do wonders for you – and act as another accountability factor.