Avoid the Drop – with the “3 Things Every Day” Habit Stacking Platform:

There is a misconception with the way in which most us “lose out” in the aging process.

It’s not the steady decline that most of the data shows. As the general population goes, that is what the data looks like. But on an individual level, it’s not so steady – in fact – the decline is typically a series of steep drop-offs.

The declines are usually the result of inactivity, when we simply stop with our exercising routines. 

That is one of the main reasons I have adopted a “No Days Off” commitment and mentality. In the next few weeks, I will have completed 6 years in a row of exercising every day.

Every day I do something. 

I typically do a mix of weight training, running, hiking/rucking, and circuit training. If I do need a rest day, I’ll take a shorter hike or walk – but I always do something.

This is how I avoid the drop.

To help make this commitment easier to manage – and have an even larger impact on my health, fitness and life – I have created a simple habit stacking platform called “Three Things Every Day.”

Here’s how it works.

You start with one main commitment or action that you want to do every day. This is the most important thing you want to focus on for the next 3 months. For me, it’s exercise. I will exercise every day for the next 3 months (more on the 3 month commitment later).

For you it could be something else. Maybe you want to be more specific. Maybe it’s running every day. Or yoga. Or walking. Anything.

Just give this some serious thought. Make sure it is the #1 activity or action you want to commit to.

Next, pick a secondary commitment, which is a little smaller than your first one, but connected to it in some way. For me it’s eating a healthy lunch – usually a protein-rich salad.

For you, if you want to run every day as your main activity, maybe you decide to stretch for 30 minutes each evening. Maybe it’s going to bed each night by 10:00pm for better sleep and recovery. Maybe it’s fasting.

Whatever you choose, try to have synergy between the two. It’ll make it easier to stick to, and give compounding results – and like the running and stretching combo – they could even be done back to back for even easier completion.

Finally, for number 3, pick something small – that over the course of the 3 month commitment, could have a real impact.

For me it’s journaling. I complete one page in my journal each morning. I use it to reflect on the past few days and the events in them, I use it to set up the day and how I want to show up, and I also use it for positive self-talk. One page a day … takes less than 15 minutes, and it has had a huge impact in my life. It has become a ritual of importance for me. And I couldn’t imaging starting the day without it now.

For you, it could be anything. Reading for 15 minutes. Learning a new language. Washing the dishes each evening so the sink is clean at the start of the day. Anything really. Meditation, flossing, blogging….

You will be surprised how this one small, final commitment can be so impactful.

Take your time choosing these things. Give it some real thought. Make sure you are choosing these activities for the right reasons.

Because for them to be truly impactful, you need to commit to them for at least 3 months.

Why the 3 month commitment?

Lot’s of reasons.

The first is that it simply gives you time to have them be impactful. It gives you time to have them become part of your lifestyle …. part of your identity, if you so choose.

Consistency over time is the secret sauce.

Running every day for a month is cool. Run every day for 3 months is habit forming. Run every day a year – and you’ll be a different person.

It also gives you the time and consistency to get real results. Many of us start and stop so many times during the year, we end up with a series of false progressions – where you end up in the same place after each restart. If you commit to doing these things every day for at least 3 months, you will end up in a very different place. You will end up with real progress.

Other reasons for the 3 month commitment tie to concepts I’ve picked up from experts in the fields of fitness, psychology and other fields.

Angela Duckworth describes that people who have “Grit” display passion + perseverance … or consistency over time. You can read more about Angela’s concept in her book “Grit”.

George Leonard writes about “mastery” being all about practice and process – and how this is one way to achieve real, lasting progress – where you reach new plateaus time and time again. You can read more about George’s concept in his book “Mastery”.

Other authors describe how process driven people always outperform outcome driven people, because the process driven people focus on the day to day work – which naturally leads to the outcomes desired. The outcome driven people fail, because they lack the process and habits needed for success (they cherish the outcome more than the journey and the discipline of practice).

If you win the day, day in and day out … over time you will thrive.

If you’d like to try the “3 Things Every Day” habit stacking method, I have created a FREE journal you can use to track your progress HERE.

Give it 3 months.

Then do it again. Maybe with the same 3 Things. Maybe with something new.

But keep going.

Avoid the drop!